NISAR the billion dollar satellite.

NISAR the billion dollar satellite.

NISAR or NASA ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar is a joint venture between NASA and ISRO . It will be co-developed by both agencies and launched from India via GSLV or Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle in 2021 . Satellite has been planned to launch in...

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India’s space diplomacy

India’s space diplomacy

On 5th of May , 2017 ISRO has launched another satellite , well whats new about ISRO launching satellites ? Why everyone is talking about it? What is so special about this launch? To be honest this is a pretty special launch from India's perspective. ISRO has launched...

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India’s longest river bridge all set to open

India’s longest river bridge all set to open

Dhola–Sadiya Bridge is all set to open in may , 2017. Once opened it will be the longest bridge over river in India. It will be inaugurated by PM Modi. Construction started in 2011 with collaboration from Ministry of Road Transport and Highways and Navayuga...

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