English Grammar:
-Definite Article
-Indefinite Article
-Zero Article
–Personal pronouns, Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns
-Demonstrative Adjectives
–Some and Any, No
-How to use adjectives in a sentence
-Comparative and superlative adjectives
-The order of adjectives
-Example of adverbs
– Much and Many
-Adverbs of quantity:, a lot, Very, Few
-Too much, too many, too few, too little
-Preposition of place
-Between and Among
-Preposition of time
-Prepositions after verbs and nouns
-Interrogative Pronouns
-Personal Pronouns
-Possessive Pronouns
-Demonstrative Pronouns
Relative Pronouns
-Relative pronouns
Saxon Genitive
-Saxon Genitive
-Plural of nouns
-Countable – Uncountable Nouns
Basic Question Forms
– The 5 W : Who, When, Why, What and Where
-If, If and whether clause
False Friends
-Similar words in other languages with different meaning in English
-English Verbs
-Regular Verbs and Irregular Verbs
-To Be
-To Have
-Simple Present
-Present continuous
-To like, To Dislike
-Can and Cannot
– Verbs ending in -ing
-There is and There are
-Present continuous
-Simple Past
-Used + Infinitive
-Present Perfect
-Present Perfect Continuous
-Past Perfect
-Past Perfect Continuous
-Future continuous
-Future Perfect (continuous)
-Will and Be going to
-The future seen from the past
-Modal Verbs
-Can, Could
-Be able to, allowed to
-May and Might : possibility
-Must and Have (got) to
-Need (not), don’t need to, don’t have to
-Should, ought to and had better
-Forming Passive sentences
-Phrasal Verbs
-To like
-To do and to make
-Question Tags

When to use Some, Any and No + EXERCISES
Any is an unspecified quantity. It refers to “one” or “some” “all Some is also an unspecified quantity. Could be big or small. SomeSome Can be used as an adjective followed by a noun. Example We have some wine in the cellar. Can be used in...
Demonstrative Adjectives
English Grammar: Articles -Definite Article -Indefinite Article -Zero Article Adjectives -Personal pronouns, possessive adjectives and pronouns -Demonstrative Adjectives -Some and Any, No -How to use adjectives in a sentence -Comparative and superlative adjectives...
Personal Pronouns, Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns
English Grammar: Articles -Definite Article-Indefinite Article-Zero ArticleAdjectives-Personal pronouns, possessive adjectives and pronouns-Demonstrative Adjectives-Some and Any, No-How to use adjectives in a sentence-Comparative and superlative adjectives-The order...
Zero Article
English Grammar: Articles -Definite Article -Indefinite Article -Zero Article Adjectives -Personal pronouns, possessive adjectives and pronouns -Demonstrative Adjectives -Some and Any, No -How to use adjectives in a sentence -Comparative and superlative...
Indefinite Article
English Grammar: Articles -Definite Article -Indefinite Article -Zero Article Adjectives -Personal pronouns, possessive adjectives and pronouns -Demonstrative Adjectives -Some and Any, No -How to use adjectives in a sentence -Comparative and superlative...
Definite Article
English Grammar: Articles -Definite Article-Indefinite Article-Zero ArticleAdjectives-Personal pronouns, possessive adjectives and pronouns-Demonstrative Adjectives-Some and Any, No-How to use adjectives in a sentence-Comparative and superlative adjectives-The order...