



June the 23rd ISRO launched successfully launched Cartosat-2 series satellite using PSLV -C38  from Satish Dhawan Space Center.  Since then The earth observation satellite has sent back numerous images. Some are below.   [gallery columns="2" size="medium"...

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1001 days in orbit and counting.

1001 days in orbit and counting.

June 19,2017 . Mars Orbiter Mission or affectionately known as MOM, India's first interplanetary Mission has completed 1000 Earth days or 973.24 Martian Solar days in Martian orbit. So far it has completed 388 orbits. Initially mission life was expected to be only 180...

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Fat boy in Space

Fat boy in Space

One of a kind , a power full rocket soared  in to the space from Satish Dhawan Space center, Sriharikota. On June 5th, 2017 India has successfully launched GSLV MK III D1 with hopes that one day it will be able to carry Astronauts in to the space , a feat has already...

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India joins elite cryogenic club

India joins elite cryogenic club

“Necessity is the mother of all inventions” This is indeed true in the case of Cryogenic rocket engines since they were invented when the world needed them the most. During the World War II the American, Soviet and German engineers independently found that their...

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NISAR the billion dollar satellite.

NISAR the billion dollar satellite.

NISAR or NASA ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar is a joint venture between NASA and ISRO . It will be co-developed by both agencies and launched from India via GSLV or Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle in 2021 . Satellite has been planned to launch in...

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